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Lahemaa Kohvikann
Authorised motorhome service point and night stop

Satnav Quick Search ID: S54333S
Võsupere, Haljala Parish, Lääne-Viru maakond, Estonia, 45405
Estonia is in the Schengen Zone
Open from Apr to Sep
In meadow behind restaurant The name "Lahemaa Kohvikann" translates literally into English as "coffeepot in the land of bays".
Lahemaa (land of bays) is the lovely region, here in northern Estonia where the Lahemaa National Park is situated.
The Baltic Sea is flowing along the shores of the bays.
The area is well suited for hiking, biking, bird- and wildlive-watching or just to enjoy tranquility and nature at its best.
Here at Lahemaa Kohvikann we are offering a tasty meal, a good drink, a good nights sleep or a comfortable stay at out caravan park.
We are situated in Võsupere village close to Palmse Manor and the Info-Center of Lahemaa National Park.
Lahemaa (land of bays) is the lovely region, here in northern Estonia where the Lahemaa National Park is situated.
The Baltic Sea is flowing along the shores of the bays.
The area is well suited for hiking, biking, bird- and wildlive-watching or just to enjoy tranquility and nature at its best.
Here at Lahemaa Kohvikann we are offering a tasty meal, a good drink, a good nights sleep or a comfortable stay at out caravan park.
We are situated in Võsupere village close to Palmse Manor and the Info-Center of Lahemaa National Park.



63m above sea level
Unit types accepted
Max unit length 10.0m
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