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To use the downloads you must be registered with and be logged in.

Registration is free and easy to do and the registration form can be found here Registration form

You also need to have subscribed to the searchforsites mobile app which can be found in the Apple Appstore and Google Play store

Download Options

The data can be be downloaded in the following formats

KML Format for Maps.Me

Mapping is provided by and can be downloaded free for both iOS and Android.

Download for your device from here


To allow direct opening into on an iPad, this process should be done using Safari as the browser

Select the type of site and pin colour you require...

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Once you have selected colour and category type, press the Download button and the file will be downloaded.

This file can then be opened in application

On an ipad, a window will open and the file will be displayed with the option to Open in "", simply click on this to load the markers

CSV Format For Garmin Sat Nav

CSV file formats can be used with the majority of sat nav units from Garmin

You will also need the Garmin POI loader to install the files which you can download from the Garmin website


OV2 Format For TomTom Sat Nav

OV2 file formats can be used with the majority of sat nav units from TomTom


Select the catgeory of file you want to download and press the "Download" button. This will save a .ov2 file which you will need to upload to your TomTom® satnav along with a suitable icon to show the markers. The icon MUST be the same name as the .ov2 file and in the same folder

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Custom Icon

Save this image to the same folder where you save the csv file
Right click and 'save images as '
