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Cretto do Burri
Tourist Attraction

Satnav Quick Search ID: S49101S
Trapani, Sicilia, Italy, 91024
Italy is in the Schengen Zone
The Cretto di Burri (crack of Burri) or Cretto di Gibellina (crack of Gibellina), also known as "Il Grande Cretto (The Great Crack)", is a landscape artwork undertaken by Alberto Burri in 1984 and left unfinished in 1989 (due to lack of funds), based on the old city of Gibellina. The original city of Gibellina was completely destroyed in the 1968 Belice earthquake. Gibellina has since been rebuilt, about 20 km from the city's original location. In 2015, to mark what would have been Burri's one hundredth birthday, the work was finally completed.
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