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La Ferme de Bocage
France Passion members only site
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Satnav Quick Search ID: S45253S
Rives-Dervoises, Haute-Marne, Grand Est, France, 52220
France is in the Schengen Zone
Open from Jan to Dec
France Passion host since 2016
Contact Bernard family
English spoken
Half-timbered Champagne family farm, 6 km from Lac du Der.selling Foie gras and duck specialties. Local products shop (more than 30 producers: honey, Champagne, beers, Ratafia, biscuits, fruit juices, etc.).
Parking Large gravelled square with shade, close to meadows, quiet.
Arrival by 6pm
Contact Bernard family
English spoken
Half-timbered Champagne family farm, 6 km from Lac du Der.selling Foie gras and duck specialties. Local products shop (more than 30 producers: honey, Champagne, beers, Ratafia, biscuits, fruit juices, etc.).
Parking Large gravelled square with shade, close to meadows, quiet.
Arrival by 6pm
Free motorhome stopover for France Passion members
Please call ahead - Closed Mondays and 01/01 to 15/01



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