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Domaine de Touraine
France Passion members only site
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Satnav Quick Search ID: S43495S
Ligré, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France, 37500
France is in the Schengen Zone
Open from Jan to Dec
France Passion Host since 2001
Contact Pascal Avril
Enlgish spoken
Family domain. Vineyard shared between the "Touraine" and "Chinon" appellations.Tasting and cellar visit. selling Wines Aoc Chinon, Touraine. Cabernet Franc, Chenin. Bio in progress.
Parking on a lawned area, lined with lilacs under the acacias.
Contact Pascal Avril
Enlgish spoken
Family domain. Vineyard shared between the "Touraine" and "Chinon" appellations.Tasting and cellar visit. selling Wines Aoc Chinon, Touraine. Cabernet Franc, Chenin. Bio in progress.
Parking on a lawned area, lined with lilacs under the acacias.
Free motrohome stopover for France Passion members



96m above sea level
Unit types accepted
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