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Stubbing Wharf
Motorhome Pub Stopover

Satnav Quick Search ID: S34220S
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom, HX7 6LX
Open from Jan to Dec
The Stubbing Wharf is good for a stop over if eating or drinking at the pub, however they dont reserve spaces or book motorholmes, theres is enough room for one medium-sized motorhome. If there is already someone in the carpark you can park on the other side of the road (turn right out of carpark)
The Stubbing Wharf is situated between the river Calder and the Rochdale Canal, so it’s a great place to be when the sun shines watching the goings-on on the canal. Or if it’s cold and wet, the Stubbing is a lovely traditional pub with a roaring fire on the inside!
The Stubbing Wharf is situated between the river Calder and the Rochdale Canal, so it’s a great place to be when the sun shines watching the goings-on on the canal. Or if it’s cold and wet, the Stubbing is a lovely traditional pub with a roaring fire on the inside!
Free stopover if eating/drinking at the pub
Please phone ahead
Access over bridge from King Street not suitable for larger motorhomes
Access over bridge from King Street not suitable for larger motorhomes



105m above sea level
Unit types accepted
Max unit length 7.0m
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