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Área Ainsa
Authorised motorhome service point and night stop

Satnav Quick Search ID: S18079S
Aínsa, Huesca, Aragón, Spain, 22330
Spain is in the Schengen Zone
Open from Jan to Dec
Large car park with marked bays at the rear for motorhomes.
New service borne in place to the rear left of the car park.
Public toilets available just inside castle walls
New service borne in place to the rear left of the car park.
Public toilets available just inside castle walls
Overnight 8€ pay via Telmark App or at meters
50 cents per hour during the day
3€ 100l water.
Grey/cassette disposal free.
Overnight 8€ pay via Telmark App or at meters
50 cents per hour during the day
3€ 100l water.
Grey/cassette disposal free.
Guide price from €8.00 to € 8.00



598m above sea level
Unit types accepted
Max unit length 15.0m
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