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THE easy way to find motohome stopovers and campsites in Europe

all devices

The complete solution

With versions available for desktop browsers, mobile browsers, native applications for iOS and Android Phones and Tablets plus downloads for satnav devices in three different formats, searchforsites offers the complete integrated solution for finding motorhome stopovers and touring campsites across Europe.

A community based project, searchforsites is updated daily by individual members for the benefit of all members sharing their experiences of locations they have stayed at with the help of photos and user profiled reviews

Plus all of this can be used Offline with no internet required

Apps built for iOS and Android

Unlike Hybrid applications, searchforsites is a native application written indiviually for each platform and device

With versions written specifically for phones and tablets you get the full screen capabilities when using on larger devices

The app's are free to download and evaulate for three days then if you like the app it is just £7.99 for one year- the subscription does not auto renew. The website is free however will not work without connection to the internet and does not contain some of the features exclusive to the app.

Works Offline

No internet connection or limited data packages? No need to worry, the searchforsites app works without any internet connection, you can also download the maps to use offline as well

An internet connection will be required to perform the inital download

Route Planner

route overview

With a built in route planner its never been easier to find a destination or a stop off on route to your destination.

You can tailor the route based on your preferences and set the route to avoid toll roads, motorways or ferries

Built in Sat Nav

The only app with an integrated turn by turn navigation option

Select a destination, plan a route press go for tun by turn directions straight to your destination 2

Also includes direct links to other mapping and navigation options such as Apple maps, Google maps and Waze

You can also copy the co-ordinates to use in your prefeered sat nav app

2Works with devices containing GPS sensor

route overview

Social Media Support Groups

We have a dedicated facebook page sepcifically for the app where you can discuss any app related issues or ask any questions